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UPDATE 13.04.2016

Today is the first day of 2073 BS. We wish everyone a peaceful and prosperous new year! We are sure that everyone is relieved that 2072 is over and that we can start afresh. We published our annual report today and looked back at all the efforts of our partner and their staff on the ground who made such a big difference to the people in our communities who survived the disaster last year.


We reached out to about 5000 families in our communities, distributed 1300 tents/tarpaulins to build immediate shelter after the earthquake, gave out cash relief to about 600 families, constructed 50 temporary toilets, conducted numerous WaSH (Water Sanitation Hygiene) camps, deployed around 700 medical camps, 150 children's camps, and did all we could to mentally and physically support everyone who had been affected by the disaster.

Read more in our annual report here.


The plans for 2016-2018 are to support 3000 families with toilet construction, rebuild earthquake resistant homes and encourage and train youth in entrepreneurial skills.


UPDATE 26.10.2015

VIN organized a transitional home handover ceremony at Nishankhe - the centre of the 3 VDC's in which we are active in Okhaldhunga. There were over 250 people present on the occasion. The chief guest, Sukuntala Rajbhandari (the member of Parliament) and VIN ED distributed the certificates to its 56 relief workers in the district. The volunteers were divided into 13 groups and 4 groups were awarded Rs. 5000, Rs 3000, Rs 2000 and Rs 1500 respectively. Their best work was exhibited for public voting to help reward the best performing teams!

We again thank all the teams who built the best looking & safe transitional homes for the affected families. We constructed 125 in Okhaldhunga (550 in total and 50 TLC classrooms.) 171 local volunteers, 100 international volunteers and locals worked for over 3 months to complete these.


Read about all rescue, rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts in Nepal. Please Click here for the post Disaster Relief Work Report 2015.


Next phase is to

  • Restore sanitation. We plan to help 500 families with reconstructing toilets (200 Nuwakot, 300 in Okhaldhunga).

  • Restore classrooms in schools

Villagers from Bhaduare in front of their temporary homes. (Oct. 2015)

Villagers from Thulachhap in front of their temporary homes. (Oct. 2015)

Okhaldhunga: A happy family in front of their temporary house made out of bamboo.



We look forward to rebuilding a better, safer Nepal. 

Support us by donating here:



Alternatively, you can transfer to our (Dutch) ABN AMRO account:
Account Holder: Friends of VIN, Netherlands
Bank Name:        ABN AMRO
IBAN code:          NL73ABNA0471865737
Swift/BIC code:   ABNANL2A
Please mention: Nepal Relief and your email address.
If you would like to help in the form of volunteering:
Please check our volunteering programs 

Villagers from Taluwa in front of their temporary homes. (Oct. 2015)

Render image of transitional house

Construction of (transitional) houses (08.05.2015)

Local volunteers preparing the land for a transitional house.

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