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The Children at Compassion For Nepal Children's Home

How Can You Help?


We aim to give these girls a chance in life by offering them an education in safe and loving surroundings with enough food in their stomachs.


For one year, €230 will cover the school admission fee; examination fees; monthly tuition fees; two sets of uniforms (shirt, pants, sweater, tie, belt, and shoes); stationery and books; medication; child club support; support for community development activities and an administrative charge for one child.


Food, medical expenses amount to about €800 per child per year.


We do not encourage individual sponsorship but encourage donations that will go to all the girls' school fees. 


Donations so far: € 5490

School fees (etc.) till they turn 18: € 1840 (based on current costs)

Food, medicine, etc: €6400


(Last update July 2018)


Home townMakwanpur District

Born: 10 August, 2002

Arrived at the Home: January 2010



About adopting Shanti, Michael says:

"A friend of mine who knew about my mission asked me to visit Shanti's home. When I arrived I was horrified of what I saw. It was so terrible; the family was very poor.


There were 7 children playing on the ground. Some were clothed, some were not. All the children were weak due to lack of nutrition. I felt both uncomfortable and unhappy; and I was heart-broken from witnessing their suffering.

At first Shanti's parents asked for a Rs500 (€5) donation per month instead of her studying, but I convinced them that her future would be better in school than staying where she was. Shanti only spoke her own tribal language so my wife and I taught her Nepali; speaking, reading and writing.


She is doing well in school, and she loves singing and dancing. She aspires to become a teacher when she grows up."



Home town: Rasuwa District

Born: 8 March, 2006

Arrived at the Home: April 2012



When Michael was introduced to Salina’s family, it was quite a horrific sight that met him.


All the children were weak from malnutrition. Salina’s mother was lying on the floor and could hardly walk.


Two years prior she had broken her leg, but wasn’t taken to hospital and her leg had been tied to a couple of wooden laths.


At the same time she was suffering heavily from tuberculosis (which they didn’t know at the time).


Michael took her to a doctor in Kathmandu where she was diagnosed and she now receives free medicine.

Salina had never been to school as her family couldn’t afford it and instead she had to work in a quarry, but now she attends school in Kathmandu. Please help us sponsor her education.


May 2017: Salina busy doing her homework. When she arrive in Kathmandu in 2012 she wasn't able to speak Nepali - only her local language. She has come a long way and just last school year she finished 2nd in her class!



After the earthquakes in 2015, Shahara was suffering from anxiety and didn't want to stay at the home anylonger. Michael took her back to Dhading where she is now with her mother.


Home town: Dhading district

Born: 4 October, 2004

Arrived at the Home: January 2011



In November 2007 Michael was trekking to the Dhading district in a rural area. He stayed in the same village for 5 days where he experienced the following:Sahara’s father was a mule driver. He was taken advantage of by the Maoists who used his services but mostly without paying him. He didn’t want to work for free but he didn’t have a choice. The Maoists put him under pressure. It was either do or die. His only hope of earning some pennies was by transporting goods on his mule and his field wasn’t big enough to grow enough food for his family.


Left for dead

One night he was forced to transport some goods for the Maoists for free, but he didn’t want to go and they got into a fight. They beat him until his body was swollen and bleeding and he eventually passed out. Some villagers and some of the trekking guides witnessed this, but couldn’t do anything as they were being threatened by guns and knives. In the end, the Maoists left him for dead.


Attempting rescue

In the early hours of the morning Michael and the villagers took him to the nearest health post, but there was no doctor. The staff just bandaged him and advised them to take him to the Dhading hospital. His helpers ran out of time on the way to the hospital and Sahara who was just 6 months at the time had lost her father.


Michael was outraged. Some people had just gotten away with murder which couldn’t be reported as there was no police station, no telephone service and no respect for human rights. Sahara’s mother tried to commit suicide; she was beside herself with grief. She had seen her husband being beaten to death. Michael approached her and asked if he could adopt her daughter, but because he was not yet married he had to wait. He visited several times and has helped however much he could.


A chance

Then when Sahara was almost 4 Michael was able to take her with him after a visit.

After a month she learned how to write Nepali and now she can both read and write English. She has learned how to clean and dress herself and she is now learning how to cook and wash.

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