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FoVIN partners with the Nepal-based organization Volunteers Initiative Nepal (VIN). 

The mission and objective of the VIN Volunteer Program is to encourage and invite international/national volunteers to contribute to the development of the poorest families and communities the victims of conflict. Together with VIN, we aim to enhance voluntary, global brotherhood among people.

Volunteers will experience life in Nepal firsthand, working alongside Nepali people to help support communities in rural Nepal. In this way, they will be making a meaningful contribution to a disadvantaged segment of the world community, while participating in an exchange of ideas and viewpoints with the locals who will ultimately be responsible for sustainable development. 

For more information about VIN, click here >>

IFMSA-NL is an international platform for medical students which addresses Global Health   problems by organizing projects to create awareness about different aspects of Global Health problems. They also provide worldwide clinical and research exchanges for medical students. 

The Standing Committee on Public Health of IFMSA-NL organizes Public Health internships in  developing countries for medical students. These internships are coordinated by the National Public health Officer, the National Public Health Internship Coordinator and the Local Public health Officers.

From 2013, IFMSA-NL will contribute to our health program by reaching out to and selecting motivated medical students for the internship and by preparing the students for their time in Nepal.

For more information, click here >>

Social responsibility is a top priority of Robin   Travels who work in the field of web marketing, travel and tourism. By redistributing part of their profit, they make sure that SDO's like Friends of VIN and other selected educational projects can continue working towards 

empowering marginalized communities. 

From the founder, Michele Pittaro:

"The profit is redistributed to projects such as the ones Friends of VIN run. They work hard to promote equality, economic well-being and basic human rights"

For more information about Robin Travels, click here >>

It is our aim to help students of the International school of Düsseldorf to become responsible  world citizens and leaders in tomorrow’s world. 

They  need skills which will help them to lead a full and happy life in a rapidly changing world. As a requirement for graduation, students in the International Baccalaureate program need to participate in CAS (Creativity, Action, Service), an extended service project that involves

planning, team work and reflection. Virginia Reiss, CAS coordinator at ISD says :

"Ann and Friends of VIN have been an energizing breath of fresh air. As the young head of an NGO, Ann is a role model for many students who really want to make a significant difference in the world"

For more information about ISD, click here >>

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